Stock Calculator Average : Stock Average Calculator

Stock Calculator Average is a financial tool that helps investors calculate the cost per Unit of their stocks at different prices. Using this online tool, investors can easily calculate the average price of their stocks purchased at different prices over time.

We made this stock average calculator to help investors determine the average cost per Unit of stocks they buy over time at different prices. In simple terms, this calculator helps to find out the average price of the stocks that the investors purchased. This will be helpful for investors who use the averaging down and averaging up strategies.

📈 Stock Average Calculator

What is the Stock Calculator Average?

Stock Average Calculator is a financial tool for averaging the price of stocks purchased by investors at different prices over a different time period. Using this free online tool, visitors like you can determine the average price of stocks in your portfolio easily and accurately.

How to use the Stock Average Calculator

Using the stock calculator average is easy. One can easily use this helpful tool and take benefits from this tool. Here are the steps to be followed for averaging the price of stocks,

Step I: Entering the Price per Unit and quantity of stocks

Stock Price Per Unit: Enter the price of your 1st stock in the Stock Price Per Unit section. It's the price of your 1st stock per Unit. You have to enter the price of stock.

Quantity: Enter the no. Of units of stock you have in its correspondence side in the Quantity section. You have to enter the no. Of units of share you have purchased.

stock calculator average

Step II: Adding more Stocks & follow on

Click/tap on Add More Stocks. For averaging, we need at least two stocks that are different in price. So, follow the same process in step I by entering your stock price per Unit and quantity. You can add several sections by clicking/tapping Add More Stocks as required.

stock market average calculator

Step III: Calculate

After adding the stock prices and quantity of different, click/tap on Calculate. That's it. The calculation result is on your screen.

average stock price calculator

Step IV: Result

Here, the calculation result shows the total cost, total quantity and average stock price per Unit.

Total Cost: The total price of all stocks you have mentioned in the above entry.

Total Quantity: The total units/no. Of shares that you have based on the entry that you made.

Average Stock Price Per Unit: The average price of overall stocks.

Additional Steps: Pro Tips for Average Cost Stock Calculator

The above steps are complete here. You can get more flexible options with our financial tool. Here are some valuable steps you can take while averaging the stock price.

Removing/Deleting the stocks: If you have added additional sections of stocks and quantity, you can quickly delete them. To delete, click/tap the delete icon (shown on a black background with white labelled glass). It will delete that stock section quickly.

Clearing Stocks: To reset all the entries, tap/click the Clear Stocks option. This will clear all the filled sections. To add more stocks, merely click/tap on Add more stocks.

Example: Sample of using Average Stock Calculator

Based on the above tutorial, you can see the sample of using it,

Suppose I have purchased stock from Google Inc. With the following details,

20 Units of stocks at $21 Per Unit, 13 July 2012

11 Units of stocks at $27 Per Unit, 18 November 2018

36 Units of stocks at $48 Per Unit, 03 February 2025

So, based on these purchases I made, I will calculate the average stock price.

  • Step I: Enter the Price of my first stock in Stock Price Per Unit and no. Of units in Quantity tab. For example, enter '21' in sFor example, ice per Unit and the '20' in the quantity tab.
  • Step II: click/tap on Add more stocks to include more stocks and quantity. Enter the price purchase price of the stock and no. Of units you have, as mentioned in step I.
  • Step III: calculate the stocks. At last, tap/click on calculate.

How does Average Cost Calculator Stocks work?

The primary use of this calculator is to determine the average cost per Unit of stocks bought at different prices. Here's how it works,

  • This calculator takes multiple stock purchases as input, including the price per Unit (each unit/ 1 unit) and the number of units/quantity.
  • Then, it calculates the total cost of all entered stocks by adding up all purchased stocks' costs.
  • Also, it calculates the total quantity by adding all the purchased shares.
  • That's it.

Why should we use the Stock Calculator Average

  • It helps in portfolio management by tracking the actual cost per share.
  • It helps get informed about the break-even point and avoid overpaying for stocks.
  • Provides clarity on investment decisions before selling the stocks.
  • Useful for averaging down strategy, helps to reduce the average cost.

Features of Stock Average Calculator

Our average calculator stock allows the users to,

  • Add multiple stock purchases
  • Display clear information about total cost, quantity, and average stock price.
  • Allows to delete specific entries if not required
  • Clear all the stocks at once
  • It helps to calculate the average stock price efficiently
  • Smooth and optimized UI
  • Instantly calculate the stock average

Why is Stock Averaging Important?

Averaging is essential for investors when calculating the actual average price per Unit. It helps to,

  • To understand the actual cost of investment.
  • It helps determine the profit or loss when selling stocks.
  • Make better decisions about future stock purchases.


What is the Stock Average Calculator?

A Stock Average Calculator helps investors calculate the average price per share. This calculator helps in averaging the price when buying stocks at different prices. It determines the true cost per Unit by averaging the price of multiple purchases of the same or different stocks.

Why should I use the stock Average Calculator?

This stock calculator saves time, reduces errors, tracks investments, and helps you make better trading decisions by providing an accurate stock average price.

How does averaging down work?

Averaging down is the process of buying more shares when the price drops, which helps reduce the average cost per share. This process helps make a profit when the stock's price recovers.

Can an average cost calculator handle multiple purchases?

Yes, you can enter multiple transactions to average the price by entering the price per Unit and units.

What happens if I sell my stocks?

Although selling doesn't affect the average stock price, it may impact the profit/loss in this process.

Does this average stock calculator work on other currencies and cryptocurrencies?

Yes, you can easily use this calculator to average the buying prices of forex, cryptocurrencies, and mutual funds.

Can I delete the stock entry if I make a mistake?

Yes, this calculator allows investors to easily delete individual entries or clear all entries to start fresh.

Is this Stock Calculator free to Use?

It's a 100% free tool with a modern UI that simplifies stock investment calculations for investors and traders.

Can this calculator used for options trading?

Yes, it can help to calculate the average premium paid per contract in options trading.


Stock Average Calculator is an online, free tool that helps investors determine the average price of stocks purchased over time. Using this Stock Calculator, one can easily find the average stock cost. We hope this free financial tool will be helpful for you in making financial decisions.

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